Customs data grasp global market trends!

Customs data shows the import and export trade information of countries and customs bill of lading data of countries and regions。

Through the in-depth mining of these data contents, it can help enterprises grasp the market trend in a timely, comprehensive and objective manner and analyze the business situation of overseas markets。

We provide international market services for foreign trade enterprises through the collection, collation, mining and analysis modeling of information and data in the field of international trade。At present, the main products are: TS, unbounded search and so on。

Analyze the market trend, grasp the industry development, determine the export direction

Through the report function of the system background,It's easy to analyze market movements,What is the largest importing country including this product,What are the top 10 buyers,After a long period of monitoring analysis,The original quota has changed,There will be something new in the product description,Find the pattern,In order to adjust their production lines (inventory,For trading companies) or investment in new product research and development。

Develop potential new customers and increase new orders

First of all, I will give you all the resources of overseas buyers who purchase your company's products, and I feel that I have no way to start. Then, I will establish a "pool of potential buyers" exclusively for you.Regular contact with all customers, the establishment of a sense of familiarity, help customers will think of your company when they need to purchase。

Monitor competitors to improve enterprise competitiveness

Being able to see which customers your peers are trading with, as well as the number of transactions, prices, etc., can help companies better determine the target market and establish the next product trend。

Monitor old customers, reduce churn rate, increase old customer orders

For an enterprise, "retaining an old customer" is perhaps more important than "competing for a new customer", so we recommend that the old customer continuous tracking analysis。